Sferra Cardigan - King Duvet 108X94 39 OZ MED
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Sferra Cardigan - King Duvet 108X94 39 OZ MED

Product ID: 22619832
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Cardigan DuvetTHE SFERRA DOWN COLLECTIONFive levels of amazing softness and warmth, all designed to cocoon you into the sweetest of dreams. We traveled the globe to bring youTHE SFERRA DOWN COLLECTION, an amazing variety of down duvets and sleeping pillows. Carefully constructed of down clusters, which interlock and trap air to keep you warm, but also have the remarkable ability to keep you comfortable,THE SFERRA DOWN COLLECTIONoffers varying levels of fill power to customize the perfect sleeping experience. A measure of efficiency, the higher the fill power number, the better the down and the greater its insulating value. With a weight and a loft for everyone, one will be just right for you.Also available in sleeping pillows.Offered in duvets in Light, Medium and Heavy.All duvets feature a baffle box construction and are finished with a decorative piped edge.All duvets have corner loops for a balanced overall experience once the duvet is encased within a cover.All duvets also have corner silks on the surface, which showcase brand and product name.Cardigan800+ fill power, Siberian White Goose Down345 TC German Cotton Batiste ticking15 baffle box construction

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Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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