Noah's Arc: Season 2
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Noah's Arc: Season 2

Product ID: 2254407
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Product Description Noah and the boys are back for another season of Logo's hit original series Noah's Arc. Finding happiness in the drama-filled city of Los Angeles hasn't gotten any easier! They may live a stylish lifestyle, but when you're dreaming and dating in Hollywood, things aren't always pretty. Check out all eight episodes from the second season, with commentary, interviews, behind-the-scenes featurettes and more, includes over an hour's worth of special features! .com If you're in the mood to watch sassy commentary, hardcore melodrama, and extreme dating, Noah's Arc will satisfy. Eight juicy episodes comprise The Complete Second Season. A heightened sense of action in the linked narratives, not only in the sexual sense, taps in to the old-school soap opera model, leaving the viewer jonesing to find out what will happen next. Stories center around five tight-knit buddies, Noah, Chance, Alex, Ricky, and Trey, but so many boyfriends come and go that it's tricky to even keep up with who's who in this handsome world. The men take everything, including themselves, way too seriously, but that's part of the fun. Most notably in The Second Season, Noah's ex, Wade, hovers in the background as Noah attempts to fall in love with gentlemanly Malik in "Housequake," the rapper Baby Gat in "Give It Up," and with politically astute Quincy in episodes six and seven. Dating galore amongst all the men leaves the viewer reeling, but each episode also tackles more serious issues in the gay community, like when Noah gets brutally beaten in "Baby, Can I Hold You?" or when Ricky braves dating an HIV-positive beau. Humor levels stay high with queen Alex's undying flair, while college professor, Chance, and his boyfriend, Eddie, hold down the fort in a more understated way. Corny, dramatic, funny, ridiculous, and touching all at once, this second season of Noah's Arc contains enough surprise to keep viewers riveted until the last microsecond of the season's finale. Trinie Dalton

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