
Ironing Board Cover and Pad Extra Thick Heavy Duty Padded 4 Layers, Silver Coated Ironing Board Cover, Non Stick Scorch and Stain Resistant Standard Size 15x54 Inch with Elasticized Edges

Product ID: 223374416



Ironing Reinvented! ✨ Elasticized edges and nose pocket design prevent slipping. Premium eco-friendly cotton ensures a non-toxic ironing experience. Reflective heat technology for faster, wrinkle-free results. Generously sized to fit a wide range of standard ironing boards. 4 layers of heavy-duty padding for long-lasting use. Reflective heat technology Eco-friendly cotton 4 layers padding This extra thick, heavy-duty ironing board cover and pad features a premium eco-friendly cotton top layer, four layers of padding for durability, and a reflective heat technology that speeds up the ironing process. Designed to fit standard boards (15x54 inches), it ensures a perfect, non-slip fit while promoting a healthier ironing environment.

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