Brvsk Kitchen Needlepoint Kit for Adults and Beginners — Lemons 16″ × 16″ with Clear, Precise Printed Design on Cotton Canvas; Includes 2 Needles, Yarn, and Easy-Read Chart
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Brvsk Kitchen Needlepoint Kit for Adults and Beginners — Lemons 16″ × 16″ with Clear, Precise Printed Design on Cotton Canvas; Includes 2 Needles, Yarn, and Easy-Read Chart

Product ID: 215071906
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At Brvsk, we enjoy creating needlework kits that make people happy! With vibrant colors and beautiful images, each needlepoint or cross-stitch pillow is an artistic masterpiece!Stitch these lemons to add a bright accent to your home décor.And, each finished handcrafted pillow top accents your home with your individual personality! Or choose a design someone dear to you will love and craft a one-of-a-kind holiday, anniversary or graduation gift!We use only the best printing technique so each canvas is precisely and accurately printed to read clearly and know with certainty of the corresponding color. Even crafters with low-level impaired vision or aging eyes love our sets and fall in love with needlework again!And, this printing technique enables us to offer a truly unique feature — a wide range colors in our designs, resembling real colors of yarn!And, if you’ve ever experienced the frustration of running out of yarn in a needlework kit, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find a bountiful amount of yarn in each color! This helps support yarn crafters who love to use a variety of stitching techniques, such as cross-stitch, basketweave, tent stitch and half stitch!Each cotton canvas is made by Zweigart, in Germany, the topmost world brand for needlework fabrics. The finished size of each embroidered, needlepoint or cross-stitched pillow cover is approximately 16 × 16 inches (40 × 40 cm) and pairs wonderfully with our velvet zippered backings, sold separately.We’re a family-based business located in Ukraine 🇺🇦 in business since 1998 and our passion is needlework! Please visit our shop to view our large variety of colorful, modern and stylish selections of cushion tops and pillow covers!

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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