Lab Nature- Turmeric Capsules with Bee Propolis and Bee Pollen | Anti-Viral, Anti-Inflammation, Anti-Oxidant, Immunity and Joint Support. Made in the UK.
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Lab Nature- Turmeric Capsules with Bee Propolis and Bee Pollen | Anti-Viral, Anti-Inflammation, Anti-Oxidant, Immunity and Joint Support. Made in the UK.

Product ID: 210253057
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Product description Turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa, is an ancient spice that has remained popular in India and Asia since 2,000 BC. Curcuminoids are the main phytochemicals that give turmeric its most impressive and wide-ranging health benefits. Bee Propolis has demonstrated favourable effects in the wound-healing process, such as anti-fungal and antibacterial activities due to its components such as flavonoids, phenolic compounds, terpenes, and enzymes. It also reduces free radical (ROS) activity in the wound bed, favouring the repair process. This product is extremely beneficial against fighting Colds. If you have weak joints and bones, this product is proven in strengthen the weak bones and joints support. It supports the joints and bones functions and gives extra strength in order to play sports. This product is a best boost to you daily life as well as your sports activities. In gym it can help to strengthen bones and body in doing different weighted exercises.This Product is totally anti-bacterial, anti- inflammatory, anti-viral and strong aid in fighting cold. It has no side-effects as it is made with all natural products and have been proved in Labs. Some features to keep in mind about our product:60 capsule packaging;Certified ingredients that comply with all the UK and EU regulations;Natural and organic ingredients;Free of GMOs, fillers, and harsh chemicals;Vegan-friendly capsules;Strength: 1440mg/serving;Recommended dose: 2 capsules/day;Easy to swallow pills;Formulated with natural raw bee products;Rich in biologically active substances;Can have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects;Great for boosting the immune system and relieving joint inflammation.Improve your lifestyle with the amazing Lab Nature turmeric capsules! Indications Inflammation, anti viral, metabolism support, joint support, blood sugar levels P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Ingredients Organic Turmeric Extract (Curcuminoids 98%), Raw Propolis, Naturally Fermented Bee Pollen, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Ginger Directions 2 capsules a Day 30min before meal See more

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Organic Turmeric Extract (Curcuminoids 98%), Raw Propolis, Naturally Fermented Bee Pollen, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Ginger


2 capsules a Day 30min before meal

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