The Seed of Life Meaning The symbol commonly referred to as the Seed of Life is made up of seven circles; one in the center, and six others placed around it according to The Mystica. These circles are not just touching, though, but overlapping. The overlapping pattern of the seven circles creates a design of interlocking rings, with what looks like a small, blooming flower in the middle. The key to the idea of sacred geometry is understanding the meaning and symbolism behind the shapes and mathematical formulas as they're presented. Because while the symbol itself will catch and hold the eye, it's what that symbol represents that is truly important. And as the name of the Seed of Life suggests, it is the basis for all creation, and the universe as we know it. The basis of the Seed of Life is the circle, and in sacred geometry circles represent cycles, as well as encompassing things. In this case, the seven circles are often compared to the seven days of creation, with the different circles being ascribed to different points in the universe's making. The overlapping of the circles shows that these events did not happen independently of each other, either, but that each is intimately connected to the next, building atop what came before it.If you continue to add circles and expand the design, then the Seed of Life grows, becoming a symbol referred to as the Flower of Life, according to Sacred Geometry. This flower builds on the seed, and becomes even bigger, expanding outward just like both creation and the universe. One thing builds on another, and it creates the next layer, and the next. While they are all built from the same blocks (just how everything in the world is made of atoms), the Flower still looks very different than the Seed that was its origin.
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