Plant Therapy Summertime Essential Oil Blend Set 100% Pure, Therapeutic Grade, Undiluted
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Plant Therapy Summertime Essential Oil Blend Set 100% Pure, Therapeutic Grade, Undiluted

Product ID: 206768090
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Scent Name:Summertime Set Summer is for sun, sand, and vacations! Our limited-time Summertime essential oil blends capture those vibes, letting you enjoy the scents of the season. Sunshine: Our Sunshine essential oil blend has a bright, sweet, floral scent with woodsy backnotes. This blend will brighten your day with the scents of a sunny day, and bring you the relaxation that comes from a late summer afternoon siesta. Uplifting and bright, but still promoting a calm, relaxing atmosphere, diffuse Sunshine to help you relax on those lazy summer days. Sunshine is safe for pregnant and nursing mothers, and is KidSafe, but is not Pup & Pony safe. Beach Day: Our Beach Day essential oil blend brings you the iconic scents of a sunny, sandy beach: Fresh Cypress, sunny Orange, woody Copaiba, spicy Black Pepper and Coriander, and sweet-green Roman Chamomile. This blend lets you "spend a day at the beach" from your couch or office desk. Beach Day is a happy, relaxing blend that also promotes clear breathing. Beach Day is Kidsafe, safe for pregnant and nursing mothers, and is Pup & Pony safe. Mountain Air: From out-of-town vacations and camping trips, to summer ball games and family barbeques, summer is filled with outdoor activities. To help you unwind and relax after a busy, fun-filled summer day, our Mountain Air essential oil blend was created to give you a well-deserved peaceful break. The calming and soothing scents of Bergamot, Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Atlas Cedarwood, and Lavender make a beautiful blend that will transport you to twilight spent by the lakeside in the mountain. Close your eyes and imagine fireflies dancing and a warm, sweet, evening breeze sweeping in from the countryside. Mountain Air is KidSafe, safe for pregnant and nursing mothers, and is Pup & Pony safe.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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