Chrysalis StudiosRecycled monarch butterfly wing necklace for women Ethically sourced Insect taxidermy jewelry Pressed butterfly necklace with gems
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Chrysalis StudiosRecycled monarch butterfly wing necklace for women Ethically sourced Insect taxidermy jewelry Pressed butterfly necklace with gems

Product ID: 203597370
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This amazing necklace is handmade with an ethically sourced recycled monarch butterfly wing embedded under a 30x22mm magnified glass cabochon and set in a vintage style antique gold setting with sparkling champagne colored Swarovski crystals! The pendant is then hung on an 18" chain. (All wings sourced ethically and eco-friendly! See below for more info on how I obtain the wings!). The Monarch butterfly is the most familiar North American butterfly. Its wings feature an easily recognizable orange and black pattern, with a wingspan of approximately 10 cm. The eastern North American monarch population is notable for its multigenerational southward late summer/autumn migration from the United States and southern Canada to Mexico, covering thousands of miles. Monarchs are also notable for having been transported to and bred at the international space station. Each piece will arrive in its own organza gift bag with literature on the species of butterfly! *NOTE* No butterflies are harmed in the making of my jewelry! My wings come from butterflies that have been raised on butterfly farms & conservatories and allowed to live their full lifespan, which naturally averages about 2-4 weeks and are then collected and preserved so that their beauty can live on! Butterfly Farming actually helps to preserve rain forests and also assures the survival of natural butterfly habitats. Native people are encouraged to grow plants and raise insects as opposed to clearing land for cash crops. Raising and selling insects is the only incentive many indigenous people have to save their tropical forests. I am proud to be a member of the RAINFOREST ALLIANCE! I support and donate to the Rainforest Alliance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the rainforest and the thousands of species living in it, including the Blue Morpho Butterfly!

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