Happy The Hedgehog Door Stopper, Chubby, Gray, Beige, Furry, Embroidery Smile and Eyes, Paw Details, Plush Covered, Polyester, Sand Filling, 8 3/4 Diameter x 9 1/2 Inches Tall, Weighted 2 Pounds
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Happy The Hedgehog Door Stopper, Chubby, Gray, Beige, Furry, Embroidery Smile and Eyes, Paw Details, Plush Covered, Polyester, Sand Filling, 8 3/4 Diameter x 9 1/2 Inches Tall, Weighted 2 Pounds

Product ID: 203517024
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Ready to meet and greet, Happy the Hedgehog is ready to act as your door stopper. With a chubby belly, upturned nose and cheerful smile, this adorable rustic rendition of a hedgehog will keep the door propped open so you don't have to keep getting up to keep opening it. Made by Hand. Happy the Hedgehog Door Stopper is sewn and stuffed with mixed materials with the outer case comprised of durable plush polyester. Soft and furry on the outside, inside, a well distributed inner filling of sand keeps this weighted piece sitting upright. Happy the Hedgehog Door Stopper is almost 1 foot tall and measures as follows: 8 3/4 diameter x 9 1/2 H inches. This chubby door prop t weighs a little over 2 pounds, making it just heavy enough to keep a door open and light enough to move with ease. Keep the door open, please. Decorate any house with a touch of rustic whimsy with Happy while keeping doors open. Made to pair with dozens of design themes, this fine piece is a brings charming style together with function. A welcome gift, this hedgehog door stop is perfect to celebrate dozens of occasions. So sweet, you'll want to keep it at home for yourself. Enjoy! By Whole House Worlds Welcome to the product line of Whole House Worlds. The New York based company offers high quality, stylish products for every room in the house, and beyond. From the kitchen, to the living room, to the bedroom, dining room, home office, closet and garden: Our criteria are comfort, quality, style and value.

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