Size:Bluetooth 7 colors Important statement: Beautgreen is a seller of authentic, high-quality, fast products. If you mistakenly bought products with low value, slow logistics, poor quality, or even not shipped from other stores, please contact the seller of your choice directly, or contact us to help you with a complaint, thank you.Everyone is looking for something different, whether it's a birthday gift, a new baby gift, a Christmas gift, or a way of expressing gratitude. We feel that here provides you with unique features, whether it is used as night lights, mood lights or as decorations in your house or office, it is very simple and effective. Now you can get the magic 3D panel LED illusion here.Advantage:1: It is made of acrylic board, which is strong, hard, high toughness, not fragile and will not harm children; laser engraving technology, never fade.2: Protect the eyes: Comfortable and comfortable eyes that emit light evenly to ensure better eye protection.3: USB charging and durable: USB power adapter is included, you can connect it to a home power outlet or a USB port of your computer. Less consumption, long life, can be used for a long time.4: Never generate heat and save energy: The thermal conductivity is very low, and it will not generate heat after working for a long time. Perfect children's night light.5: APP control, no need to worry about clutter.Product detailed information:Product type: 3D LED night lightBase material: high quality environmentally friendly plasticLight guide plate material: acrylicPower mode: USB / battery (excluding battery)
1 day ago
2 months ago