This is the PLATINUM LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT KIT... our Latest 2020-21 Edition, top of the range DIY Will Kit. Perfect for when you need more room than average to write your Will. This Kit has THREE times more space than any of our other Will Kits, making it suitable for more complex or longer estates. Great for people with young children who want more room for additional Guardians. Ideal if you need to appoint more than two Executors. Very useful if you have a larger family and need extra space for bequests. Superb if you have a longer list of specific gifts, or items of sentiment to leave. Or just really useful if you feel you need more space to make your Will. This EASY TO DO KIT, comes complete with FULL INSTRUCTIONS, FREE LEGAL HELPLINE, and FREE VAULT STORAGE. The Kit is BRAND NEW and SEALED, and INCLUDES TWO, FOUR PAGE WILL FORMS, ONE COMPLETED FOUR PAGE WILL FORM EXAMPLE, a FREE EIGHT PAGE HELP BOOK and a SPECIALLY DESIGNED WILL STORAGE ENVELOPE. Because there are Two Will Forms included you have a useful spare if you make an error. The Completed Example also shows you how to lay out and phrase things in your Will. The language used in the example is designed to be similar to popular phrases people use when writing a Will, allowing you to lift any phrases you need. You can also see clearly how the Will needs to be signed and witnessed. The Help Book is easy to read and is a step by step guide to completing your Will, with lots of tips and advice. The Kit is all legally valid and approved. TWO FULL KITS will be discreetly sent in protective packaging. The Kits are our 2020-21 Latest Edition, brand new, sealed, and copyright protected. VALID IN ENGLAND, and WALES.
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