GREENPRO Portable Keyboard 61 Key Electronic Pian
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GREENPRO Portable Keyboard 61 Key Electronic Pian

Product ID: 201898505
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The GREENPRO 61-key keyboard includes an adjustable stand and power line adapter. In addition, the keyboard set comes with 30 free piano Maestro songs to be downloaded on your iPhone or iPad that will help aspiring musicians to learn and practice sight reading, rhythm, technique, two-handed playing, and much more (instructions and song list below). This intuitive keyboard comes with a power supply for use at home, but can also be powered by 6 x 1. 5V size D batteries so you can take it on stage or on the road. The keyboard has a LCD display screen, and provides instructions for beginners, telling them which keys to press or chords to play while trying demo songs, making it the perfect keyboard for budding musicians. Although the keyboard is compact, the keys themselves are full size. The sturdy and portable keyboard stand is a great way to ensure the keyboardist stability, and is very easy to fold up and take on the road. The adjustable piano stool is a comfortable choice for pianists of all ages. The included over-ear headphones enable pianists to play without disturbing anyone around them. And when a concert is called for, the keyboard has built-in speakers that will fill the room with rich, resonant sound. The keyboard also has a wealth of preloaded sound options, including 60 demo songs, 100 rhythms and 100 sounds. The keyboard set comes with everything a pianist needs, and is an ideal gift for beginners and advanced musicians alike.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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