Treehouse David Kirk's Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids
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Treehouse David Kirk's Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids

Product ID: 200497889
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When Holley and Miss Spider met, it was love at first sight. They get married and then have a big party will all the bugs in Sunny Patch. Spiderus watches and envies their love. The two settle down together and have five children --- Squirt, Spinner, Wiggle and the twins Pansy and Snowdrop. The little spiders grow and are soon out playing and having fun. Then, Squirt discovers a lost chicken egg and worries that its Mom is missing it. He goes on a dangerous journey to return the egg. Along the way, he faces many challenges, but also discovers new friends. Meanwhile, Miss Spider worries that she is a poor Mom to have lost track of her baby.

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