Colonial Talavera Ceramic House Number Three
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Colonial Talavera Ceramic House Number Three

Product ID: 20033623
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The background on this Talavera ceramic tile is mostly white with some beautiful and colorful flowers surrounding the number. This tile is compressed and fired to high temperatures to get a very solid and consistent piece of ceramic. Each number is 0.5 lbs in weight, considering its size that is very dense. The number itself is raised from the rest of the surface to give it the 3D effect, as you can see it in the second picture, handpainted in dark blue.Mexican Talavera ceramic is the result of a mixture of cultures over the time. The Spaniards were influenced by Arabic pottery, they brought it to Mexico and the mixture of cultures gave as result these beatiful art in ceramic. This ceramic tile is just an example of the exquisite beauty the Mexican craftsmen put on each item they create. It is handpainted, this means that no two tile house numbers are exactly alike! There might be small differences in size, weight and even the decorations. If you want to delight somebody special with an unique handcrafted gift, this is what you are looking for! This tile house number will add a distinctive point of observation to your house.

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