
Freud 50-102: 1/2" (Dia.) Top Bearing Flush Trim Bit

Product ID: 2003057



Product Description ------------------- 1/2" (dia.) Top Bearing Flush Trim Bit with 1/4" shank, 2-5/8" overall length From the Manufacturer --------------------- Freud's precision ground carbide bits have a grain size smaller than other grades, and titanium is added making them impervious to chemical attack. Promoting safer woodworking is the reason Freud made a commitment to develop anti-kickback router bits. Bits are computer balanced to insure vibration-free operation at speeds that are a safe margin above the typical 22,000 RPMs of most routers. Freud's philosophy is woodworkers should expect safety, not pay for it. Overall diameter 1/2-inch, shank diameter 1/4-inch.

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