SEYSSO Gold (White)
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SEYSSO Gold (White)

Product ID: 199928381
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We would like to introduce you to the SEYSSO Gold toothbrush. SEYSSO is a company specializing in oral hygiene products, especially sonic toothbrushes. All their products have been developed by European dentists with great attention to detail. 5 modes: - Clean (82000 smpm*), for daily cleaning; lasts 2 min; - White (96000 smpm*), those who want whiter teeth; lasts 2 min; - Polish (90000 smpm*), a short mode that illuminates and polishes tooth enamel; lasts 1 min; - Gum Care (70000 smpm*), massages the gums, makes them definitely stronger; lasts 3 min; - Soft (62000 smpm*), recommended for people with braces, implants, crowns or problems such as hypersensitivity or even periodontitis. The box includes: - SEYSSO Gold sonic toothbrush handle; -3 brush heads; - Travel case and charging with magnetic closure, making opening and closing very easy and easy; - stationary and compact loader; - USB cable for chargers. Here are more information: - Charging indicator (flashes when the battery level is low to prevent the toothbrush from suddenly discharge); - Efficient battery that works up to 10 weeks of brushing on a single charge, assuming only one person uses the brush twice a day for 2 minutes; - Dynamic Cleaning Technology+ (DCT+). The intensive movement of the bristles makes moving toothpaste and water through the mouth more efficient. and this through the interdental spaces while cleaning the remains of plaque from the most difficult to reach areas. - Surprises with its streamlined shape, plus it is made of high quality materials; - AUTO-TIMER; -IPX7 waterproof certificate; - 2 year warranty. * smpm - sonic movements per minute

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

1 month ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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