
The Daily CraveVeggie Chips, 1 Oz (Pack Of 24) Veggie Crisps, Kosher, Crunchy, Vegan

Product ID: 1966315


Flavor Name


🥗 Crunch your way to health with every bite! Great for lunchboxes, making healthy choices fun! Indulge guilt-free with our vegan veggie chips! Each 1oz bag is ideal for on-the-go snacking. Enjoy them solo or elevate with your favorite dip. Satisfy your cravings anytime, anywhere! Vegan 24 bags Lightly flavored The Daily Crave Veggie Chips come in a pack of 24 convenient 1oz bags, offering a crunchy, lightly flavored snack that is both vegan and kosher. Perfect for kids' lunches or as a grab-and-go option, these veggie crisps are designed to satisfy your cravings while keeping your snacking guilt-free.

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