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Dare to Drop the Pose: Ten Things Christians Think but Are Afraid to Say
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Dare to Drop the Pose: Ten Things Christians Think but Are Afraid to Say

Product ID: 19587695
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Is the REAL you getting lost because the FAKE you is just so annoyingly impressive? “Stepping onto the platform to preach that morning, I admitted to myself that I was not a pastor first, but a regular, scared, insecure, everyday guy whose life had been changed by Jesus. And if Jesus really loved me as I was (I knew He did), then why should I go on trying to be someone I wasn’t?” Why DO we fake it so much? Why do we spend so much time trying to please everyone else and make so little effort trying to please God? When Craig Groeschel asked himself those questions, he couldn’t come up with a good answer. So one day he decided to drop the act and start getting real. With that one choice, his life began to change in a big way. And yours can, too. Craig’s passionate, funny, warts-and-all confessions and the lessons he learned will help you find you own path to authentic living and a deeper relationship with God. Includes study guide for personal or group use.

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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