Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion
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Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion

Product ID: 19233959
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The Decimator MD-HX is a truly portable converter, which incorporates an easy-to-use LCD and button control system. This gives you easy access to all of the amazing features that have been unavailable without a computer until now. The days of having to play with complicated dip switches or having to carry around a computer to change a simple setting are gone.Cross ConverterThe Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter supports both 3G level A and B on the input and output, allowing conversions between A and B. It offers four (3G/HD/SD)-SDI outputs, that allow it to be used as a 1 to 4 distribution amplifier. Output pair 1 can either be a copy of the SDI input (default) or the same as pair 2. The audio pairs in the SDI and HDMI outputs can be rearranged as required.Additional FeaturesHorizontal and/or vertical image flipping is possible via the built-in scaler. It also includes a down/up cross converter that allows either the HDMI or SDI input to be scaled and/or frame rate converted to the required standard. The converter features a robust aluminum case with easy-to-use LCD and button control system.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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