Tire Changer Plastic Insert, Tire Machine Guard, Wheel Rim Edge Protector for Mount Duck Head, Nylon Tyre Demount Fitting Head Part, Front (Upper) + Rear (Lower) Insert Kit, 6 Pairs (12 PCS), 01YKL
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Tire Changer Plastic Insert, Tire Machine Guard, Wheel Rim Edge Protector for Mount Duck Head, Nylon Tyre Demount Fitting Head Part, Front (Upper) + Rear (Lower) Insert Kit, 6 Pairs (12 PCS), 01YKL

Product ID: 191508385
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TIRE MACHINE RIM PROTECTOR - NYLON HEAD INSERTSHead Insert will stop metal demount heads creating gouges if they come into contact with a wheel rim. They rely on the plastic head inserts to protect in the event of wheel rim contact.Most older demount heads designs will include a rudimentary metal roller for use on steel wheels. It acts as a distance stop between the rim and demount head. The roller allows contact of the demount head to the wheel rim as its turning. The roller stops drag damage to both wheel rim and fitting head.With the ever-increasing rates of alloy wheel rims fitted to cars the demount fitting head needed updating. The metal roller was no longer viable as it damages wheel rims when rolling on wheel rim edges. Instead, Nylon inserts got used as an alternative to the design.Newer generation fitting heads include either one or two plastic head inserts know as uppers and lowers. Nearly all demount heads use a lower head insert to protect the front and trailing wheel rim edges.The latest designs of demount heads also include an upper nylon head insert on the leading toe. Devised to protect the front face of the wheel rim when fitting run flat tyres. The very nature of run-flat tyres creates high load forces on the leading toe. Often causing contact damage to the front face of the alloy wheel unless fitted with protective elements.Please note: - colour may vary from the picture shown.For any further information or queries regarding this product, please contact us where we will help answer your queries.Tags: demount head, tyre changer head, tyre machine head, replacement part, head insert, plastic insert, plastic head insert, nylon head insert, nylon insert, tire changer rim protector, duck head tire repair part, tire machine part, plastic insert for mount demount head

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