- Hand painted just for you (not a print) in traditional Asian calligraphy - Customized with a name, yours or your friend’s -Chopped with a traditional Chinese artist signature seal Our Chinese name scroll can be customized with any name translated to Chinese. The scroll is hand made with beautiful silk edging and the Chinese characters for your name will be hand painted in traditional Chinese calligraphy. You customize this original painting with a name. Also you can choose a background, painted bamboo, basic white, or flower blossoms. These make great gifts for people who are interested in Asian culture. Our expert artist uses the traditional Chinese brush calligraphy style, making attractive and elegant Oriental art that will add an Asian touch of beauty to your home. Silk edging with intricate designs graces each scroll. Choose the color of silk edging you would like from the picture example. You can choose plain background or bamboo background and you can also add your English name under the Chinese characters as in the sample picture if you select this option. Note: Japanese kanji came from Chinese characters and uses the same written symbols. If you are looking for Japanese or Chinese calligraphy, we can do it!
1 week ago
1 week ago