According to the Materia Medica the following remedies in Hair~Scalp may be administered for the following conditions: Apis mellifica: Hair falls out, bald spots; Musty head sweat. Arsenicum album: Hair becomes gray early; Scalp itches intolerably; Circular patches of bare spots, rough, dirty, dry scales; Dandruff; Scalp very sensitive, cannot brush hair. Calcarea carbonica: Loss of hair from temples; Scabs on the scalp. Dulcamara: Scald head, thick brown crusts, bleeding when scratched, causing hair to fall out. Graphites: Humid, itching eruption on hairy scalp, emitting an odor; Falling off of hair, even on the sides of head and the whiskers. Hepar sulphuris calcareum: Eczema on forehead along the line of the hair; Scalp sensitive and sore; Cold sweat on head. Hydrastis canadensis: Neuralgia (nerve pain) of scalp and neck. Hydrofluoricum acidum: Hair falls out after fevers; Falling off of hair, new hair is dry and breaks off. Kali carbonicum: Hair is dry, falls out from eyebrows, temples and beard; Painful tumors on scalp. Lycopodium clavatum: Hair became gray early; Hair falls off scalp, but increases on other parts of body; Premature baldness after abdominal affections, childbirth. Mezereum: Head covered with thick, leathery crusts, under which pus collects; Hair falls out in handfulls. Oleander: Eruptions on scalp; Biting itching on scalp as if from vermin (lice, bed bugs). Petroleum: Scalp sore to touch, followed by numbness; Sensitive scalp, as if cold breeze blowing on it. Phosphoricum acidum: Hair loss after grief or loss of fluids; Hair of beard falls off; Greasy hair. Phosphorus: Alopecia areata (round patches of hair loss); Falling of hair in large bunches in spots; Sensation as if being pulled by the hair. Rhus toxicodendron: Pus erodes hair; Dry, hot, burning, itching worse on hairy parts. Selenium metallicum: Hair falls out from eyebrows, whiskers, genitals; Scalp feels tense. Sepia: Hair falls out Silicea: Profuse sweat of head
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