Seance by Dixie Dooley - DVD
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Seance by Dixie Dooley - DVD

Product ID: 189180347
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Do the dead materialize? It's the absorbing question of all time. On this startling new DVD from Las Vegas headliner Dixie Dooley you'll learn to create apparitions and perform Seances. Please note: This DVD teaches about the seance as a form of magical entertainment. The purpose of the DVD is to help magicians perform magical effects with a stance theme in a setting in which everyone in the audience knows it's "just a show". This DVD does not teach or support any belief system or explanation of events that may be or seem paranormal. Questions of beliefs and religion are outside the scope of this DVD. If you're under 18 years of age please talk with a parent or guardian before purchasing this DVD. When you ride a roller coaster or go to a scary movie... you know you're not going to get hurt. You enjoy being frightened, but you know all along it's just for fun. The difference in this DVD is... someone could get hurt. In a darkened seance room, spirit messages appear right before people's eyes. They see ghosts. They see objects move. In this place they may find answers to questions they've always pondered. They may even come to believe they've made contact with the dead. So, much more is at stake than just entertainment. You're flirting with the eternal questions of man, his darkest desires, and his deepest beliefs. That puts a great deal of power in your hands as an entertainer. Houdini used this power for good. We trust you will do the same. This is the world of the imagination; the world of strange noises, funny feelings, and eerie uncertainty. On this startling new DVD you'll learn close up spirit effects you can perform inches from an onlooker's face, and comedy seance effects you can perform on stage. As a special bonus you'll see rare footage of Dixie Dooley as he leads a

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