VTech DS6151 2-Line Expandable Cordless Phone with Digital Answering System and Caller ID with 4 Extra DS6101 Handsets
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VTech DS6151 2-Line Expandable Cordless Phone with Digital Answering System and Caller ID with 4 Extra DS6101 Handsets

Product ID: 1866031
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The VTech 6.0 2-Line Expandable Cordless Phone, also known as the VTech DS6151, is a two-line phone designed mainly for busy households and small businesses. It is said to be the most advanced communication solution of its kind because it is based on DECT 6.0 technology that is known to provide best sound quality, range and interference-free calls. And since it is a two-line system, it provides not only convenience because you get to take advantage of two separate phone lines but also savings since you only have to pay for one device. But aside from being a two-line phone, the VTech DS6151 is also an expandable cordless phone that can accommodate up to 12 handsets using only one phone jack. That way, answering calls from any room in your home is made a lot easier and more convenient. It also features a digital answering machine and a caller ID to provide you more convenience like no other.

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