Dainichi CICHLID - Veggie Deluxe Sinking (8.8 oz) Bag - Small Pellet
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Dainichi CICHLID - Veggie Deluxe Sinking (8.8 oz) Bag - Small Pellet

Product ID: 18656438
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Features:VEGGIE DELUXE contains a unique blend of premium grade kelp and spirulina, designed to keep even the strictest herbivores in peak health and color. Also featuring krill, shrimp meal, white fish meal, garlic and un-cooked digestive enzymes, this high energy formula is packed with easily digestible sources of protein essential for growth and vigor of cichlids of all types. With five applications of color enhancing ingredients, the colors are exceptionally vivid and are displayed at an early age. As in all Dainichi foods, there is calcium montmorillonite clay to simulate the natural ingestion of mineral particles and to bind and neutralize metabolic toxins. Raw, fully potent vitamins, digestive enzymes and garlic ensure that the fish are healthy and free of internal parasites. Furthermore, the scouring action of the clay enhances continuous rejuvenation of the digestive tract which when combined with only two sources of starch (flour as binder and wheat germ as a source of vitamin E and B) ensures the maximum rate of digestion and assimilation of nutrients.Ingredients:Kelp, white fish meal, soybean meal, wheat flour, krill, spirulina, shrimp meal, wheat germ, calcium montmorillonite clay, brewer's yeast, powdered milk, vitamin mix, mineral mix, garlic, protease and natural gum.Guaranteed Analysis: Min.crude protein: 38% Min. crude fat: 5% Max. crude fiber: 4% Max. moisture: 9% Max. ash: 12%Usage:Feed your fish only as much as they will eat (immediately) in a few minutes, 2 to 4 times daily. Smaller, more frequent feeding are preferred over a single large one. Do not pre-soak the food prior use! Pre-soaking washes out vitamins, color enhancers, other nutrients, and lowers the performance of the food. All Dainichi foods have a low inclusion of starches to prevent excessive swelling in the digestive tract. Pre-soaking of Dainichi cichlid food is absolutely not required nor beneficial!

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