Colavita Mediterranean Extra Virgin Olive Oil (5L) | Imported from Italy | Premium Olive Oil for Cooking, Dips and Marinades | Cold Pressed Oil from Superior Whole Olives | Tin Can
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Colavita Mediterranean Extra Virgin Olive Oil (5L) | Imported from Italy | Premium Olive Oil for Cooking, Dips and Marinades | Cold Pressed Oil from Superior Whole Olives | Tin Can

Product ID: 186107507
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Colavita Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil highlights a delicious blend of extra virgin olive oils from Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, tunisia, turkey, and morocco. The predominant flavours result from the Spanish and Portuguese arequipa and Greek koromiko olive cultivars. The full-bodied flavour is smooth with a velvety texture. The oil is sweet at the start, followed by slight bitterness and fruity flavour, with an almond finish. Perfect for all culinary applications. World collection The predominant flavours result from the Spanish and Portuguese arbequina and Greek koroneiki olive cultivars. Perfect for all culinary applications! The extra virgin olive oil is sweet at the start, followed by slight bitterness and fruity flavour, with an almond finish. Colavita Mediterranean highlights a delicious blend of extra virgin olive oils from two or more of the following countries: Italy, Greece, Spain, turkey, tunisia or morocco.

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Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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