Gas One GS-3400P Propane or Butane Stove Dual Fuel Stove Portable Camping Stove - Patented - with Carrying Case Great for Emergency Preparedness Kit

Product ID: 30962840



🔥 Cook Anywhere, Anytime! 🔥 Automatic Piezo-Electric Ignition for hassle-free lighting. Built-in pressure sensor and gas flow cut-off for peace of mind. Lightweight and compact, perfect for camping or emergency kits. Adjustable heat dial for precise cooking control. Compatible with both Butane and Propane for ultimate flexibility. Piezo Ignition Dual Fuel Ready Safety First The Gas One GS-3400P is a dual fuel portable camping stove that operates on both butane and propane, featuring an automatic piezo-electric ignition system for easy lighting. Weighing just 3.1 pounds and equipped with safety features like a pressure sensor and gas flow cut-off, this stove is designed for convenience and reliability, making it an essential addition to your camping gear or emergency preparedness kit.

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