Lord Ganesha:- Ganapati or Genesha, the Lord of Categories: All that can be counted or comprehended is a category (gana). Ganesha or Ganapati is an extremely popular God in India. He is called Vighneshvara, the Lord of and destroyer of obstacles. People mostly worship Him asking for siddhi, success in undertakings, and buddhi, intelligence. He is worshipped before any venture is started. He is also the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine arts. Ganesha is also one of the five Gods the worship of whom was popularized by Adi Shankaracharya; the other four are Vishnu, Shiva, Devi and Surya. The worship of these five deities is called the pancAyatana pUjA. In some cases, a sixth God, Skanda is also worshipped. We have tried to make Lord Ganpati Ganesha posture in 30 different ways. The poster painting passed through a special coating process, after that painting becomes completely dust proof and water proof and washable. This frame condition painting of Lord Ganpati Ganesha is totally unbreakable and light in weight. In case of shifting of house / traveling, it can be easily remove and carry. We provide on zig zag hook on the back, so that it can be easily hook on the wall or put on the table top. This collection of Lord Ganpati Ganesha painting is rarely available on line; Viewer can buy them and put Office / Home / of Religious or decoration purpose.
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