Rastal Teku Lover Beer Glass Set - 8 pcs - Includes 2 (14.2 oz), 2 (11.2 oz) & 4 Tasters
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Rastal Teku Lover Beer Glass Set - 8 pcs - Includes 2 (14.2 oz), 2 (11.2 oz) & 4 Tasters

Product ID: 180267946
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The ultimate glassware set for beer lovers, this gift set comes with eight exquisite Teku beer glasses from Rastal. The Rastal Teku Lover Beer Glass Set comes with two full-size 14.2 oz Rastal Teku Stemmed Beer Glasses, two 11.2 oz Rastal Mini Teku Stemmed Beer Glasses and a set of four 6.5 oz Rastal Teku Tasting Glasses. All glasses are made in Germany from clear glass. The design of the Teku glasses allows for a full sensory drinking experience by capturing & releasing the beer's aromas in the outward curve of the glass. Widely recognized as one of the finest craft beer glasses available today, the Teku glass was first designed by an Italian sensory expert and craft brewer and now they’re crafted in Germany by Rastal - a leading manufacturer of ultra-premium glassware. The Teku family of glassware represents the perfect combination of aesthetic, elegance, and functionality. The polished stems of the regular size and mini Teku glasses keep your palms from warming up the beer. The beautiful taster glasses inspired by the original Teku design are perfect for serving spirits neat, craft beer tastings, as well as for sampling wine, cider and mead.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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