🎯 Get Ready to Trap Like a Pro! Includes a bag of wool to help you set the perfect trap. 8 oz of meat-based predator bait designed for maximum attraction. 8 oz of pure coyote urine to enhance your lure's effectiveness. Three top-selling coyote lures to elevate your trapping game. Crafted by Fox Peak Outdoor Supply for the modern predator hunter. 3 Lures 8 oz Urine 8 oz Bait The Fox Peak Outdoor Supply Coyote Lure and Bait Kit #2 includes three top-selling 1 oz. coyote lures by Hawbaker's, an 8 oz. meat-based predator bait, 8 oz. of coyote urine, and a bag of wool, all designed to maximize your success in coyote trapping.