Reaper 77216: Companion Animals (5) Dark Heaven Bones Plastic Miniatures
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Reaper 77216: Companion Animals (5) Dark Heaven Bones Plastic Miniatures

Product ID: 17847415
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CONTAINS (5): 25/28mm (1/64) Heroic scale miniatures. This model stands .5-1.5 inches tall, .5-2 inches long, and .5 inches wide. B is .25 inch cube. Ideal for beginner through experienced modelers, painters, and hobbyists. HIGHLY DETAILED ART: Sculpted by Jason Wiebe. Miniatures may come in multiple pieces, may need to be assembled, may require some minor straightening, and are unpainted. Pictures of the painted miniatures are for inspiration and are only examples. PLAY, PAINT, AND USE: Reaper Miniatures are awesome in RPG and tabletop games like Pathfinder, Dungeons and Dragons (any edition), Dragon Age, Castles and Crusades, Hackmaster, Frostgrave, and Savage Worlds. Fantastic as an Art Piece, Present, Family Project, Wargaming, or just for some fun. MADE FROM: Up to 10 percent recycled ready to paint durable polymer plastic with built-in or integral bases. Bones are a light-weight flexible PVC, and any deformations caused by shipping or because of manufacturing can be straightened out by CAREFULLY immersing the figure in boiling water, MORE CAREFULLY adjusting the mini, and quickly placing into ice water. DISCLAIMER/CAUTION: Not for Children under the age of 13 Years. Some products may contain substitutions based on inventory. Highly detailed miniature sculpts created physically, or digital 3D, by hand and is used to create molds for miniature production. Metals and Paints are Made in the USA. Plastics are made in the USA or China. Reaper Miniatures items are Packaged and Shipped from North Texas to the rest of the World. Reaper Miniatures proudly supports hiring Veterans and Veteran Spouses. Some miniatures require assembly and miniatures DO NOT arrive painted. Some products may have substitutions of miniatures based on inventory from the manufacturer.

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