Boston International Santoro Swing 3D Pop-Up Greeting Card, Forest Animals, 6 x 8 Inches, Forest Animals
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Boston International Santoro Swing 3D Pop-Up Greeting Card, Forest Animals, 6 x 8 Inches, Forest Animals

Product ID: 178215119
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More than a card, Santoro's multi-award winning pieces are innovative and carefully created miniature works of art. Dynamic 3D interactive cards let you give something really special, something more than just a card. Swing cards come assembled and easily open out to form incredible 3D shapes. Each card is made up of moving parts that allow the objects in the center to swing back and forth. Swing cards can be personalized with a message and sent as greeting cards, but their unique ground breaking design also makes them perfect paper collectables. Boston International is the exclusive importer and distributor of design-led, superior quality paper products, giftware, and decorative kitchen and home accessories for more than a quarter century. We invite you to celebrate the home with Boston International.

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