Paint & Peel Fireplace Cleaner, 1/2 Gallon - Removes Fireplace Smoke & Soot Stains From Brick, Tile, & Stone Surfaces
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Paint & Peel Fireplace Cleaner, 1/2 Gallon - Removes Fireplace Smoke & Soot Stains From Brick, Tile, & Stone Surfaces

Product ID: 17649425
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ChimneyRx Paint “N” Peel Fireplace Cleaner is a water-based cleaning poultice that removes unsightly smoke, soot, creosote and dirt stains from masonry fireplace fronts and hearths. No additional water is needed for application or removal. Simply paint the product on the surface, allow it to dry, and then peel it off. Product can be used to clean most all masonry surfaces both interior/exterior, textured or smooth brick, stone, marble, granite, slate, tile, concrete, mortar and limestone. Product may not be suitable for some types of man-made or cultured stone. Note: product may be difficult to remove from extremely textured surfaces or deeply grooved bricks. Always test for compatibility and desired results with your specific surface before proceeding with entire project. Apply product in a small inconspicuous “test” area and allow product to dry completely (24-48 hours minimum) before removing. Heavily soiled areas may require multiple applications.Dry Time: At 1/8”-3/16” thickness, product will take a minimum of 24-48 hours to dry completely, depending on environmental conditions.Coverage: 10-20 sq. ft. per half gallon container.Removal of Dry Product: Product must be completely dry before removing. Starting at an edge, pull the dry film off slowly at an angle with both hands. Be careful not to tear the coating as this may make it more difficult to remove. Product that does not pull off in a continuous sheet indicates the dried film is too thin to peel easily. Re-coat over the thinly applied material with a thick coat of product, let dry completely and re-peel.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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