2-pound Nepal Himalayan (Fresh Roasted Coffee) premium Arabica beans roasted-to-order daily medium roast whole bean we can grind or provide lighter or darker roast upon request message at checkout
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2-pound Nepal Himalayan (Fresh Roasted Coffee) premium Arabica beans roasted-to-order daily medium roast whole bean we can grind or provide lighter or darker roast upon request message at checkout

Product ID: 17544234
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We offer an unsurpassed fresh roasted coffee experience for the best taste in the cup. Fresh roasted coffee has a beautiful, delightful taste that must be tasted to be fully explained. This is because the natural coffee bean aromatics are more “alive” and bursting with flavor especially during the first 2-3 weeks after roasting. As time goes by these aromatics diminish and you are left with the usual “coffee” taste that we are all accustomed to with most pre-roasted “supermarket style” coffee. When you purchase our beans, they are roasted the same day the order is placed, arriving to you within only few days after roasting for unsurpassed freshness and best taste. The beans are roasted on state-of-the-art roasters to a specific profile designed to bring forward the best taste the beans have to offer. We use only premium specialty grade coffee beans for high quality taste experience. Beans from different origins taste best at different roast levels and our roast master will choose the best profile for each type of coffee. The beans will arrive as whole bean coffee. We can grind the beans or roast lighter or darker if requested by message at checkout. Our roasters include 8 distinct levels lightest to darkest, cinnamon roast, light roast, blonde roast, medium roast, full city roast, espresso roast, Italian roast, heavy French roast. Cinnamon roast is extremely light and somewhat grassy tasting. Light roast has bright acidity with light body. Blonde roast features bright fruit-like acidity fuller body. Medium roast is a sweeter roast where natural bean aromatics are near their peak and the cup is charged with complexity. Full city roast is a favorite with deeper sweet complexity and a nice, pronounced finish. Espresso roast is entering dark roast realm with smokier deeper tastes surface oil patches are beginning to show. Italian roast is dark beans hearty and intense taste. Heavy French roast is our darkest roast with very dark oily beans distinct smoky intense taste.

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