Zahn Cup Viscosity Cup Viscometer Dip Type Immersion Stainless Steel 44ml Cup Volume (#1/#2/#3/#4/#5) for Test The Viscosity of Newtonian or Approximate Newtonian Liquid (NO.3)
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Zahn Cup Viscosity Cup Viscometer Dip Type Immersion Stainless Steel 44ml Cup Volume (#1/#2/#3/#4/#5) for Test The Viscosity of Newtonian or Approximate Newtonian Liquid (NO.3)

Product ID: 173393284
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Zahn Immersion Viscosity Cup 1.This is a Zahn type Cup Viscometer which are used to measure the flow behavior of liquids such as paints and is in very nice condition. 2.Applicable to the construction site to quickly measure the viscosity of the paint to be sprayed; more widely used in electronic products. 3.plastic coatings industry. The cup and Iwata spray gun together become essential plant construction tools. 4.Fast determination of fluid viscosity such as ink, paint and dye. 5.According to ASTM D 4212 Standards (Standard Test Method for Viscosity Cup Immersion). 6.Cup 1# ~ 5 # available for different materials Mainly applied to maintain the stability of the viscosity of the product in the process of use, so that the viscosity is always maintained at the set range to protect the color of the product effect.

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