Castle Creations Mamba Monster X 25.2V 8A Peak BEC Electronic Speed Controller
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Castle Creations Mamba Monster X 25.2V 8A Peak BEC Electronic Speed Controller

Product ID: 17300575
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First, there was the Mamba Monster. Then the Mamba Monster 2. Now there’s the Mamba Monster X. As revolutionary as it’s predecessors, the new Mamba Monster X Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) takes Castle’s legendary “monster” performance to a whole new level. The waterproof Monster X is capable of 2S LiPo up to a maximum of 6S LiPo and is the legendary “power up” for 1/8th scale buggies, truggies and on-road vehicles as well as 1/10th scale monster trucks and R/C monstrosities weighing up to 15 lbs. The new Mamba Monster X provides even more extreme performance than the Monster 2. Most notable is the addition of a new, programmable Auxiliary Wire that allows users to make “on-the-go” adjustments to several settings, such as torque control and max throttle. The new Auxiliary Wire allows users to fine-tune the performance of their Monster X ESC right from the transmitter using an auxiliary channel on the receiver. The AUX wire function is disabled by default but is programmable via Castle Link. Once the user has programmed the functionality of the AUX wire, that setting can then be adjusted on-the-go from a compatible transmitter. The Mamba Monster X also features updated Audible Alerts that will notify drivers of possible issues with their calibrations and error conditions to help diagnose problems in the field.

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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