DC Extension Cord 20FT,12v DC Power Extension Cable 5.5mm x 2.1mm DC Security Camera Extension Cord Male to Female for CCTV Indoor,Standalone LED Strip,DC Power Supply Adapter Extender Cable
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DC Extension Cord 20FT,12v DC Power Extension Cable 5.5mm x 2.1mm DC Security Camera Extension Cord Male to Female for CCTV Indoor,Standalone LED Strip,DC Power Supply Adapter Extender Cable

Product ID: 172455091
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NOTE: ✔ Plug Size - Please check your device by measuring the barrel plug of the power adapter. This cable will only accept 2.1mm (inside diameter) x 5.5mm (outside diameter) plugs. ✔ 2.1mm x 5.5mm plugs are commonly used for 5v, 9v, 12v, 15v and 24v 36 Volt power adapter. However, not all such power adapter uses 2.1mm x 5.5mm barrel plug. Please check the plugs size before purchase. 20FT DC Power Extension Cable 2.1mm x 5.5mm DC 12V Power Extension Cord For CCTV Security Cameras This is 5.5mm x 2.1mm 12v Extension Cord (Out diameter is 5.5mm, the inner diameter is 2.1mm).Fits for any applications, devices and power adapters require DC in 12V power. Package Includes: 20 Foot DC Power Extension Cable Specification Model: Length: 20ft Long Lead: 5.5mm(out size)/2.1mm(in size) DC Power Extension Cable Material: Copper wire inside To Reach longer cable It can be used as a DC 12v extension cord when you find that your Security Camera Power Cable is not long can connect more than two or three cables to reach longger than 10ft. Ideal for CCTV IP security camera,LED light strip, rigit strip, LED signage, car, boat, monitors, lighting,printers, sensors, DVR,Standalone,external hard drives,audio mixing and recording equipment, or anything that requires DC in 12v input and accept 12V 2.1mm x 5.5mm plug jack. Applications DC power supply cable Male to Female Extender cord Fits for any applications, devices and power adapters require DC 12V power.Good extension for most security camera with power supply connector. Or LED Strip, Router, Printer, Audio pickup device etc.

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