Yuzet 10x Unfilled Hessian Burlap Sand Bags Flood Protection Defence Sacks Water Barrier Flooding Absorbing Sandbags
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Yuzet 10x Unfilled Hessian Burlap Sand Bags Flood Protection Defence Sacks Water Barrier Flooding Absorbing Sandbags

Product ID: 171260471
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p>Yuzet Heavy Duty Hessian Sandbags are a cost effective and environmentally friendly solution to protect your home or workplace from floods and water damage./p> p>Each bag can hold about 25kg of sand, but when used as flood defence, make sure to not overfill the bag so that it remains flexible enough to mould itself any existing sandbags. /p> p>An average house will need about 12 filled sandbags per door in order to provide an effective flood defence barrier. Keep in mind that you may need less or more depending on the size of your door and whether you have a cat flap./p> p>Yuzet Sand Bags can also be used as weights to hold down garden furniture, trampolines, road signs, netting, covers, tarpaulins, tents and other garden structures./p> p>Made from heavy duty natural jute fabric, our Hessian bags will decompose naturally. /p> p> Tiestringbr> Length (empty): 78cmbr> Length (full): 50cmbr> Quantity: 10 /p>

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