Singring Baby Pram Crib Cute Blue Elephant Design Activity Spiral Plush Toys Stroller and Travel Activity Toy
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Singring Baby Pram Crib Cute Blue Elephant Design Activity Spiral Plush Toys Stroller and Travel Activity Toy

Product ID: 16953923
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Designed for babies from birth up to 36 months, this plush toy is made to delight babies and stimulate their natural curiosity. Whether playing in his crib, sitting in the high chair, your little one will enjoy hours of interactive play and exploration with this cute toy. Stimulates Baby's Vision and Auditory SkillsWhen babies are first born, they see in black and white. This is why spiral toy strikes a balance between bright, high contrast patterns that help stimulate baby's vision, and bold solid colors that give baby's eyes a place to rest. Sounds like jingle, squeak and crinkle also help stimulate and develop baby's auditory skills. Finally, Stretch's large, friendly eyes invite baby to focus and stare at a single object, which can help calm baby while supporting healthy eye development. Child-Safe Design This spiral toy has a soft, plush body that encourages exciting play, the hanging characters entertain baby, Sweet little giraffe crib toy wraps around baby crib rail, stroller or car seat handle. Multiple textures keep your baby interested, encouraging her to explore. Features:1. This versatile activity toy is also ideal for encouraging baby to reach, pull and squeeze, which helps strengthen developing muscles2. Multi colors encourage visual perception

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