Some may best know frankincense as one of the gifts brought by the Magi, and the wise man that brought the frankincense was wise indeed! This warm and woodsy essential oil carries the same sweet and spicy scent that has made frankincense an integral part of religious ceremonies for centuries. Boswellia neglecta is the scientific moniker of this hearty shrub, and our organic frankincense oil stems from resin of the version grown in Somalia. While the scent alone may be enough to sell you on this sensational essential oil, its captivating aroma is only one of the blessings it can bring. Organic Frankincense Essential Oil Benefits A serene mind and soul are typically associated with frankincense essential oil, which has the power to calm and expand the consciousness. This organic essential oil is particularly essential in the lineup of mindfulness and meditation tools for those who enjoy the scent and the state of being totally aware and OK with the world that surrounds them. Organic frankincense essential oil benefits also sport antiseptic and astringent properties, giving it the ability to fight infections, protect wounds, promote healing and remove scars. Additional frankincense essential oil uses include alleviating skin and digestive disorders as well as fighting off coughs, colds and inflammation. A healthy uterus may be another benefit of frankincense, with its power to delay menopause and reduce the symptoms of PMS. Overall cell health is another plus, as frankincense promotes cell generation and helps to keep them thriving. We told you that wise man knew what he was doing!