Any organization that regularly hosts visitors should have visitor badges on hand. These useful tools make guests easy to identify, helping to maintain security and ensure visitors receive the attention and guidance they need. Customizable visitor badges also make guests feel more welcome, since employees and other visitors can address them by name. Available in sets of 25, these dry erase name badges will benefit visitors and companies alike. Business visitor badges are reusable and rewritable so you can personalize the badges for each guest. Simply use a dry erase or wet erase marker to write the guest's name on the front of the badge before sending them on their way. Office staff can easily clean the guest's dry erase name badge using a dry or damp cloth. In the long-term, reusable visitor badges are more environmentally friendly and economical than non-reusable name tags. Other benefits of these rewritable custom visitor badges include: Durability: Made of high-quality plastic, these visitor badges offer excellent durability. When used and cleaned properly, these tags can serve your organization for years. Convenience: These reusable visitor badges attach to lanyards and snap straps, making them convenient to carry and difficult to lose while moving around the building. Visibility: Each dry erase name badge features a bold blue, grey and black graphic at the top. This allows security and office staff to quickly differentiate between guests and normal employees. You may choose to buy plastic dry erase name badges in bulk if you host events or welcome multiple guests every day. A set of 25 helps ensure you always have a visitor badge available, even if a few get misplaced or accidentally taken over time. Whether you need to welcome parents of students, new clients, prospective employees or interns, these business visitor badges will help you identify new faces effectively.
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