5Inch,20X Magnifying Mirror, Two Sided Mirror, 20X/1X Magnification, Folding Makeup Mirror with Handheld/Stand,Use for Makeup Application, Tweezing, and Blackhead/Blemish Removal. (Black)
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5Inch,20X Magnifying Mirror, Two Sided Mirror, 20X/1X Magnification, Folding Makeup Mirror with Handheld/Stand,Use for Makeup Application, Tweezing, and Blackhead/Blemish Removal. (Black)

Product ID: 168355458
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Item Weight:5.57ounces,158g; Shipping Weight:7.74ounces,220g; Product Diameter:4.92inch,12.5cm; Mirror Diameter:4.13inch;10.5cm; Mirror Length with Handle:9.06inch;23cm. Storage bag makes you easily to take the mirror with you anywhere; Please use our provided professional cloth to wipe the mirror; True image side is for your ordinary make-up, the 20X side makes you easier find your brow line; the wrinkles that need extra cream, or anything else you may be missing; Please stay away from children, as this is not a toy. More Using Instructions: 📱 Mirror with adjustable handle easily converts 3 ways - handheld, hang, or fold into a stand, so you can use the mirror on any surface. 📱 One side is 20x magnification for close-up applications and the other is true image. 📱 Please wipe the fingerprints or stains with the provided non-dust cleaning cloth to keep the mirror look new. 📱 Do not scrub the mirror with chemical reagents to prevent the mirror from corrosion or discoloration. 📱 Keep the mirror away from sharp objects, to avoid your mirror being damaged. 📱 The transparent label on the mirror surface can be easily removed. 📱 When you looking at 20X mirror side,you must start up looking into the mirror closely at about 2inches away from your face(but within 3inches) and then move slowly until you've got a best focus to ensure look it clearly. Please kindly double check out if this size mirror too small for you.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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