Zen Mini Magic Spell Candles. Red, Purple, Green, White, Black & Yellow. 1 Hour Burn Time. Rituals & Ceremonies. Colour Magic. (Yellow)
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Zen Mini Magic Spell Candles. Red, Purple, Green, White, Black & Yellow. 1 Hour Burn Time. Rituals & Ceremonies. Colour Magic. (Yellow)

Product ID: 166207284
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Colour:Yellow WHAT IS CANDLE MAGIC?Candle magic is when you use specific colour candles in rituals or ceremonies to reach a special goal. Candle magic spells can vary from attracting love to removing negative energy from your environment. Most common in the Wiccan religion, casting spells using coloured candles is found it lots of other areas as well. Candle magic is white magic and is not to be used in an unsavoury manner, which is why in the Wiccan religion there Rede is "An harm to none do what thou wilt".A simple guide to help you choice which colour spell candle will perform best with your chosen spell:Red: A red candle is used to represent the element of fire. It is common in spells to maintain health, increase strength, promote passion, or employ defensive magic.Yellow: Representing the element of air, yellow candles are recommended for spells which are intended to heighten visualisation abilities. Yellow is also the color of intelligence, confidence, and eloquence.Green: Naturally, green is the colour of money and prosperity. However, this candle color can also be used in spells for fertility, healing, growth, or abundance.Purple: Purple candles enhance spiritual activities and increase your magical powers. In combination with blue candles, they can be used in healing rituals.White: White is the colour of protection and purification. Linked with the moon, white candles contain all colours and are used for positive purposes.Black: Black candles absorb negativity. Black is the absence of light and the representative of outer space. Black candles are often associated with evil magic, but this is not true. Black candles can be used for positive rituals such as those to absorb illness or stop bad habits.

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