MaresScuba Smart Dive Computer – Black/Grey w/ Retractor Clip
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MaresScuba Smart Dive Computer – Black/Grey w/ Retractor Clip

Product ID: 16542274
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The Smart Scuba Dive Computer has a perfectly clear display and an exemplary design. Extremely comprehensive and ergonomic, it is also suitable for multimix and free diving. On the surface, you can adjust the nitrox settings, or view the logbook at a glance. On the other hand, underwater, the Smart allows you to switch between depth information (shown on the top line), which is completely independent of the complementary information shown on the bottom line. The middle row is dedicated to information on the decompression state. The buttons have been repositioned to the side, thus favouring a truly compact, ergonomic profile and providing immediate performance. The upper right button manages data regarding the maximum depth, average depth and maximum depth reached by the gas. The lower right button, on the other hand, adjusts the field next to the dive time, providing temperature, oxygen percentage, CNS, time of day and stopwatch. The time of day is given a 4-second timeout, after which the dive time will be displayed again for safety. The battery has a guaranteed autonomy of 2/3 years (depending on the number of dives), and can be easily replaced independently by the user, without any technical support. Equipped with a two-tone black/white and black/grey strap. The main features of the Smart Scuba Diving Computer are: - Super clear and crisp display - Perfectly ergonomic and easy to use - Versatile for multimix and freediving.

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Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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