Turn your team into a sales army! Information Technology (I.T.) continues to be the fastest growing sales industry in the world. If you're one of the seven million people worldwide involved in selling I.T. solutions, you need to give yourself an edge. With a full understanding of the challenges unique to I.T. sales, author Brian Giese has perfected the program for turning you and your team into a lean, mean revenue machine. I.T. Sales Boot Camp is your survival guide for any combat scenario. You'll be armed with such techniques as how to: Discover the SECRET value in a technology sale - Capture large buyers and win major deals - Communicate with highly informed, techo-savvy buyers - Adjust to a constantly changing market using advanced technology - Adapt to various needs by closing the GAP with buyers Offering far more than mere "basic training," author Brian Giese gives you a "secret weapon" for pushing sales way over the top and ensuring satisfied buyers every time! BRIAN GIESE is the founder of ITSELLING, a sales training and consulting organization in Bethesda, Maryland. Giese conducts sales and management seminars for world-class I.T. organizations around the world. His I.T. Sales Boot Camp seminar has trained over 20,000 I.T. salespeople, CEOs, and entrepreneurs, including many from Fortune 500 companies. Giese is a recipient of the million-dollar award from the Society of Software Sellers and is a frequent speaker at sales events. Visit www.ITselling.com for more information.