Maxesla Submersible Water Pump 400 GPH (1500L/H) Mini Electric Fountain Water Pump with 2 Nozzles, Quiet Water Pump For Pond/Aquarium/Fish Tank/Statuary with 4.92ft (1.5M)
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Maxesla Submersible Water Pump 400 GPH (1500L/H) Mini Electric Fountain Water Pump with 2 Nozzles, Quiet Water Pump For Pond/Aquarium/Fish Tank/Statuary with 4.92ft (1.5M)

Product ID: 163238366
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Why choose Maxesla submersible fountain water pump overview: 1. Maxesla powered submersible pump is features compact, multifunctional, and detachable. 2. Perfect for nano to medium sized aquariums, small ponds, water gardens, desktop water fountains, and hydroponic systems. 3.The small profile size makes the pump easy to hide or disguise. Create water currents in the fish tank: This mini submersible pump can create good strong flow in your fish tank, avoiding dirt accumulating in one spot. Compact & powerful: Compact design is great for space-saving on your tabletop fountain. The maximal flow rate can be up to 80 gallons per hour. Lift height can be up to 6.56ft. 1. The maximum flow rate is 400GPH; there might be a plus-minus tolerance. 2. Insufficient power and insufficient frequency would affect the flow rate. 3. 400GPH refers to the flow rate without using a water pipe. If connected with a water pipe, the maximum flow rate would less than 400GPH. 4. If the water sprays out the container, the flow rate would also less than 400GPH. 5. Please clean it regularly in case of debris blockage, the pump would make noises if blocked by debris. 6. 2 different sizes nozzles are provided. If you use the smaller one, the maximum flow rate would less than 400GPH. Specifications: Max flow rate: 400 GPH (1500L/H) H-Max (Lift Height): 6.56ft( 2m) Power: 25 Watts Voltage: 220 - 240 V @ 50Hz Length of Power Cord: 4.92ft (1.5M) Package listings: 1x Water Pump 1x 13mm Nozzle 1x 16mm Nozzle

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