This ceramic Tatty Teddy mug is the perfect way to bring a big sparkle and shine to your morning cup of tea. This cute mug features a cute Tatty Teddy design with Tatty blowing snowflakes into the sky, with a soft mix of light purple and pink colours. With a motivational and uplifting quote 'Dream, Smile, Sparkle, Shine' across the front, you'll start everyday with a positive boost. Presented in a special pink and purple Me to You gift box, with a falling snowflake design. This is ready to be wrapped and makes a lovely gift for Christmas. Unique and instantly recognisable, Tatty Teddy is the soft fluffy grey teddy bear with the famous blue nose and patches and the signature character of the much-loved brand Me to You. Tatty Teddy offers a timeless message of love, happiness and friendship. It's no wonder this gorgeous grey bear has captured millions of hearts, all over the world.
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