Selfie Stick Tripod with Bluetooth Remote | All-in-One | Take Stable Pictures | Travel Size, Fun Gift, Great Pictures | Batteries Included | by Travelle (Black)
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Selfie Stick Tripod with Bluetooth Remote | All-in-One | Take Stable Pictures | Travel Size, Fun Gift, Great Pictures | Batteries Included | by Travelle (Black)

Product ID: 158108642
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TRAVELLE CO - Selfie Stick Tripod with Bluetooth RemotePictures are what we use to look back at the best moments of our lives. Sometimes it is quite difficult to be able to get that great group photo or perfect selfie. That is where the awesome Selfie Stick Tripod with Bluetooth Remote comes in! No more having random strangers have possession of your cell phone. Who knows what they will do with it?The Selfie Stick Tripod with Bluetooth remote comes in handy in photogenic situations by allowing you to pop it open and get that professional angle on the whole group, or yourself. Not only is it a Selfie Stick and Tripod for your cell phone at the same time, but it comes with a handy Bluetooth remote that connects with your cell phone in seconds! No more messy wires and hard buttons. You can be across the room and your photos will be taken at your command. Even hide the remote in your hand and have your friends wonder who took that professional photo!The size of our Selfie Stick Tripod with Bluetooth Remote is great for fitting in your pocket or purse, unlike most others. Who wants to lug around professional photography equipment all day?Main FeaturesBluetooth Remote Included! Selfie Stick that Transforms Into a Tripod Works with Most Phones Travel Size Perfect Gift! The Selfie Stick Tripod with Bluetooth Remote is the perfect way to snap memories that will last a lifetime. Give it as a gift or get it for yourself!Danfer or is not responsible for damages or losses caused by the device. Use with caution over high areas. Do not throw away batteries.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Pooja R.

The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

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