ZRDfashion is a fashion handbags for women company. We supply high quality bags. When you choose any bags from ZRDfashion. You can get the after-sales service:If the item broken, damaged or wrong item received, customer only need to send a picture to us will be ok, and then we will refund or resend in 24 hours,and customer need not to return it to us.If customer do not like it, we can offer return, or give several suggestions we think is better or more convenience.If for other reasons, we encourage our customer contact us, we will response in 1 business day and do our best to service you.100% Brand New Women Handbags and PursesItem Type: HandbagGender: femaleOccasion: VersatilePackage:1* Handbag + 1* Zipped Bag Warm Tips:1.The actual color of the backpack maybe a little difference from the picture showing due to the different monitor settings or reflecting light when shooting.2.Please allow 1-2 cm different of measuring due to different measurement methods.3.Please allow a little smell of leather/textile fabrics from the new product,it will disappear in a few days.
3 weeks ago
1 week ago