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Nintendo Switch Hw (Neon Red/Neon Blue) Switch)
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Nintendo Switch Hw (Neon Red/Neon Blue) Switch)

Product ID: 152234278
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Product Description Enjoy the home console gaming experience, even without access to a TV. Nintendo Switch can transform to suit your situation, so you can play the games you want, no matter how busy life may be. It's a new era where you don't have to adjust your lifestyle to play games - instead, your console adjusts to fit around your lifestyle. Enjoy games anytime, anywhere, with anyone! Improved battery life. Approximately 4.5-9 hours. The battery life will depend on the games you play. For instance, the battery will last approximately 5.5 hours for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.Joy-Con Control Sticks Are Not Responding or Respond IncorrectlyWhat to do With the Joy-Con controllers attached to the console, verify that they register correctly as attached within the Controllers screen, accessible from the HOME Menu.If the Joy-Con controllers are not registering correctly on the console, please read Joy-Con Not Recognised or Not Registering While Attached to the Console.Ensure your console has the latest system update.Ensure the Joy-Con controllers have the latest controller firmware installed.Remove any skins or covers, if any, from the problematic controllers, and calibrate the control sticks.If the issue is occurring with a specific game or application, try the following:Check for any available software updates for that game.Check the electronic manual for that game. Some games, such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, support in-game tilt controls. If these are activated, it may seem as if the control sticks are not responding correctly. If this is the case, the in-game tilt controls may need to be deactivated. Box Contains 1 x Nintendo Switch Console (MOD. HAC-001-01)2 x Joy-Con controllers1 x Nintendo Switch dock1 x Joy-Con grip1 x AC adapter1 x HDMI cable and Joy-Con straps

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